About Us

Education Blog is a powerful portal dedicated to the publication of up to date education news across the globe. The site aims at being the most value driven site for those seeking education related content globally.

The site is owned and managed by experienced authors, teachers, scholarship experts and a team of dedicate tech guys.

The site seeks to redefine education news and provide nothing but the best source of global education news for readers.

Our goal

The site targets global education interested audience from Africa, Asia, US, UK , Canada, Australia among others.

We seek to bring to readers, nothing but the best in education news, research, scholarship and more.  Students, Teachers, Lecturers, Education Administrators in Basic Schools, Secondary Schools, Colleges and Universities remain the target audience of this blog.

We hope to provide great user experience for all who visit this site.

Partner us

Education Blog is ready to partner teams across the global divide, organizations, individuals that believe in our goal and websites into education and related services or products across the globe who share our audience and believe in our goal.

Working with these stakeholders will help us better serve the reading public through this online portal for education. We hope to provide nothing but credible and reliable news items and more.


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Email: [email protected]

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