How to pass 2023 BECE when no one gives you a dog’s chance

By the time you are done reading this How to pass 2023 BECE when no one gives you a dog’s chance” based on a true life experience by a student, you will be empowered with tips and strategies for success.

It is common for some students preparing for the BECE to believe that they can never pass the exam. This perception could be the opinion of friends, parents, teachers and even school authorities when the student in question has not exhibited readiness in several instances. For any student preparing for the 2023 BECE, this title should be “How to passed the 2023 BECE”

How I passed the 2020 BECE when no one gave me a dog’s chance

I was one of such persons but, I decided to change the narrative and to prove my worth. In this write, “How I passed the 2020 BECE when no one gave me a dog’s chance” I will share with candidates of the upcoming 2023 BECE how I made 6 ones instead of the projected aggregate 30 three months to my exam.

Solved All Mock questions

Mock questions for each year are not just mere questions. Very often, they are questions from projected topics for the year. When I got to know this, I got hold of all my mock questions and photocopied those I have misplaced.  I decided to sit and solve each of the questions several times. The advantage we had was that, our teachers were kind enough to share the marking schemes with us, hence I always compared the answers to the ones I have provided. I kept revising them until I understood how to answer the questions the way the examiners want it. This gradually boosted my performance in the next two school mocks organized for us in my Junior High School in Kumasi. At the BECE itself, it was like a miracle, some of the questions in our mock were in the main exam. This made life a bit more comfortable for me since I was already familiar with the questions. When the results were released, I score 6 ones just that I got 2 in Mathematics, but it was far better than the grade 30 projected for me.  If you are hungry for success, this is How to passed the 2023 BECE


Solves objective test questions from the last 5 BECEs

I remember during our revision weeks, our English teacher kept repeating the need to solve the objective tests of the last 5 BECE. According to him, WAEC could repeat as many as 20 questions randomly from the last 5 objective tests at the BECE.

Haven been convinced, I got past questions and answer booklets from my friends a few times during the weekend since my mum could not buy them for me. Once I took a particular subject’s Pasco home, I ensured that, I solved and resolved the objective test for at least three years. I did this consistently and soon grasp most of the questions, the answers and more. Our Mock examinations proved that what the teacher said, was true to a large extent. In the BECE, the objective test looked familiar, although a few changes had been made to them by the examiner. See this as one of your tips on How to passed the 2023 BECE and work with it.


Gave special attention to all mock questions I did not choose nor solved in the exam hall

During our mocks, I noticed that, there were questions in the exam that I was unable to solve. My question was, what if the once I could not answer during the mock appear in the main BECE? Hmmm, thoughts of this made me shiver sometimes. To deal with this, I decided to commit my self to studying all the topics and questions I never chose to solve in each mock. This helped me deal with the gap in my knowledge for each subject.

In our main exam, some of the topics I treated under this strategy came in the exam. I could see a few of my friend struggling during the Mathematics and Science exam, but I took it cool and managed to solve most of the questions. The results proved my strategy worked and will always work for candidates who consider it.

Created and followed a personal timetable

You know something,  “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail”. This used to be the comment statement from our Social Studies teacher, Mr. Ansah. He always asked for our personal study timetable, so we all decided to have one to guide us to study at home and during weekends. These timetables were not always perfect, and we did not follow them strictly all the time, but they always reminded me of my duty to study a particular subject each day after school and on weekends. In the end, my study picked up, and I become more involved with my books. I managed my time well as well, and this paid off in the exam hall.

Believed in my self

If you do not believe in your ability to pass the BECE, then get ready for failure. I ensured that, I told my self no matter how scary the teachers make the subjects and the exam look, I will continue to work hard and believe in my abilities. This helped to deal with some of the stress that comes with getting ready for an important examination like the BECE. If you thinking you can pass the BECE, you have positioned your mind and need to work hard at the believe. How to passed the 2023 BECE also demands that you have self believe and work  in confidence as you prepare for the examination.

Taught my collages what I learned each day after school

The final strategy I used was to learn and teach my friends. From the onset, some of them underestimated my ability because, they knew I was not good enough to teach them. But as time went on, I kept improving and they enjoyed my support and readiness to teach them what I learned. This teaching sessions we had after school served as an important revision for my friends and I.  This is another How to pass 2023 BECE strategy worth trying.

READ: 2023 WASSCE And BECE Apor Registration Underway

Now that you know the simple things to do to pass the 2023 BECE when no one gives you a dog’s chance, I encourage you to so same and to work hard all the subjects you feel you are week in.

Source: EducationBlog