How to Answer BECE/WASSCE English Letter Questions Without Solving A Question During Revisions

Mastering BECE/WASSCE English Letter Questions: Answering Strategies for Efficient Revisions

Do you know you can pass BECE WASSCE English Letter Questions without solving questions during your revisions? This is one of the secrets of students who excel in the English Language paper 2.

Do you doubt this? Answer this question… How many English Language essay questions have ever been repeated from the past papers you have been reviewing so far?. Nearly none…

How to Answer BECE/WASSCE English Letter Questions Without Solving A Question During Revisions

What this means is that the examiner expected students to know the features or organization section of every essay type. This way, once a student is given a question, he or she would have to apply the knowledge plus common sense to answer the questions and provide a good answer.

Now, if you want to pass BECE WASSCE English paper 2 without solving questions during revisions, do the following from today until you write the WASSCE or BECE English paper two.

  1. Master the organization/ structure of each type of essay.

For Friendly… Master the following tips.

a. How to write the address. Do well to learn either the indented or block address type and keep to one throughout your revision and mocks.

E.g. Use this block Address and date and keep using it

Goodness School,

Box A100, 


1st May 2020

or use the indented one

Goodness School,

  Box A100, 


1st May 2020

Note that the date starts from the edge of the paper under the address’ first letter.


b. Learn how to write the date the correct way and keep it simple. Practice the use of these throughout your revision.

E.g. 1st May 2020 is a date… Keep using this specific date throughout your Mocks

Develop one good introduction for friendly or informal letters, and keep to it.


Remember that, if the letter is a formal letter, Dear Sir, or Dear Madam, is followed by the Theme of the letter (heading) in capital letters. This must be centered and neatly underlined with a straight edge. To avoid mistakes, write the heading with a pencil, cross-check, then use a pen. After about 30 seconds, carefully erase the pencil work.

Master how to write your first important paragraph for a formal letter and edit them to suit the letter type you’re to answer.

Learn how to introduce new paragraphs or points by using linking words and paragraph-starting phrases such as Firstly, Again, to add to the above, furthermore, also, etc. Note that each of these when used must be followed by a comma (,).


Body Tips for Letter Writing: Mastering BECE/WASSCE English Letter Questions: Answering Strategies for Efficient Revisions

The body of the letters you write in the exam hall will never be the same, even if you have seen the questions before. To do well in scoring high marks in the body section, always brainstorm the questions and write the points down. Arrange the points according to the ones you can explain well. Carefully write your body and follow the rules of writing the letter question you have chosen.

Read through your essay and make the needed corrections as well. This will help save you valuable marks and increase your chances of scoring a better grade.

Know how to end or write your conclusions for letters.

Get used to the closing style for friendly and informal letters, and do not confuse the two of them.

For example… Friendly letters end with one of the following.

Yours ever,



Sincerely you,


Keep it simple…all the time.


If it is a formal letter, this should be the format of the closing or signing off.

Yours faithfully,


Writer’s full name

Writer’s position


Now that you have the above tips in mind…

Apply them to these questions. Do not answer the questions fully.

For each question, provide the following plan through brainstorming

  1. Note what kind of letter you are to write.
  2. Write the address
  3. Write the salutation
  4. Write the Title if any
  5. Write the introduction of the letter
  6. Brainstorm and outline the points you would explain in each paragraph
  7. Based on the 6 above, use paragraph-starting phrases to introduce the points…
  8. Write a good concluding paragraph
  9. Sign off

Your questions

  1. As the incoming school prefect, write a letter to your Sports Master requesting three things needed for effective sporting activity in the school.
  2. Write a letter to your friend who has decided not to be your pal again. Explain three reasons why he or she must change his or her mind.
  3. Write a letter to the Editor of a local newspaper on the dangers of indiscipline among the youth in the country.
  4. Write a letter to your favourate uncle requesting him to sponsor your Secondary School Education.

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We hope this post on How to Answer BECE/WASSCE English Letter Questions Without Solving A Question During Revisions will go a long way to help you prepare very well for the BECE and WASSCE exams. This Mastering BECE/WASSCE English Letter Questions: Answering Strategies for Efficient Revisions is a must master at this critical time.