2023 BECE Social Studies Super Mock 1 Objective Test Questions With Answers

As the BECE draws nearer, take a look at the 2023 BECE Social Studies Super Mock 1 Objective Test Questions With Answers.

Each answer comes with a set of alternatives. Read each question carefully,  then go ahead to eliminate all wrong answers. Choose the best answer for each question.


2023 BECE Social Studies Super Mock 1 Objective Test Questions

1. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of democracy?
A) Rule by a single leader
B) Protection of individual rights
C) Free and fair elections
D) Citizen participation

2. Which of the following is a primary source of information?
A) Newspaper article
B) Textbook
C) Interview with a historian
D) Encyclopedia entry

3. Which of the following is an example of a traditional economic system?
A) Market economy
B) Command economy
C) Mixed economy
D) Subsistence farming

4. Which branch of government is responsible for making laws?
A) Executive branch
B) Judicial branch
C) Legislative branch
D) Administrative branch

5. Which of the following is an example of a renewable resource?
A) Natural gas
B) Coal
C) Wind
D) Uranium

6. Which of the following is NOT a factor of production?
A) Labor
B) Capital
C) Entrepreneurship
D) Money


7. What is the purpose of the United Nations (UN)?
A) Promote world peace and security
B) Protect national interests of member states
C) Regulate international trade
D) Enforce global laws

8. Which of the following is an example of a cultural diffusion?
A) Migration of people
B) Industrial revolution
C) Invention of the printing press
D) Formation of trade alliances

9. Which of the following is a characteristic of a command economy?
A) Private ownership of resources
B) Profit motive guides economic decisions
C) Central planning by the government
D) Competition among producers

10. What is the main purpose of the African Union (AU)?
A) Promote economic cooperation among African countries
B) Facilitate military alliances in Africa
C) Mediate conflicts between African countries
D) Coordinate international aid to Africa


2023 BECE Social Studies Super Mock 1 Objective Test Questions With Answers

11. What is the primary role of the judiciary in a democratic society?
A) Enforce laws
B) Make laws
C) Interpret laws
D) Develop laws

12. Which of the following is a push factor for migration?
A) Job opportunities
B) Better education
C) Political stability
D) Economic hardship


13. Which of the following is an example of a civic responsibility?
A) Voting in elections
B) Paying taxes
C) Serving on a jury
D) All of the above

14. Which of the following is a consequence of deforestation?
A) Increased biodiversity
B) Soil erosion
C) Reduced greenhouse gas emissions
D) Improved air quality

15. What is the main purpose of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
A) Protect the rights of individuals around the world
B) Establish global trade regulations
C) Promote cultural diversity
D) Prevent discrimination based on race

16. Which of the following is an example of a social institution?
A) Family
B) Corporation
C) Political party
D) Non-governmental organization

17. What is the significance of the Berlin Conference in African history?
A) It led to the abolition of slavery in Africa.
B) It established the borders of African colonies.
C) It sparked the African independence movements.
D) It promoted cultural exchange between Africa

18. Which of the following is an example of a renewable energy source?
A) Nuclear power
B) Solar power
C) Fossil fuels
D) Geothermal energy

19. What is the purpose of the World Health Organization (WHO)?
A) Ensure global food security
B) Promote international tourism
C) Provide humanitarian aid
D) Improve global health

20. Which of the following is a characteristic of a market economy?
A) Central planning by the government
B) Equal distribution of wealth
C) Profit motive guides economic decisions
D) Limited individual freedom


2023 BECE Social Studies Super Mock 1 Objective Test Questions With Answers

21. Indiscipline is a problem in the Ghanaian society because it
A. reduces productivity
B. destroys the educational system
C. leads to high birth rate
D. encourages bribery and corruption

22. Which of the following is a primary activity?
A. Plywood processing
B. Fruit canning
C. Cocoa cultivation
D. Textile production

23. The Akans are believed to have migrated from
A. Old Ghana Empire
B. The Chad basin
C. Benin Republic
D. Ile Ife

24. The most important symbol which identifies Ghana as an independent state is the
A. Speaker‟s Mace
B. National Flag
C. State Sword
D. Coat-of-arms

25. Which of the following diseases is caused by pollution of water bodies?
A. River blindness
B. Asthma
C. Cholera
D. Hepatitis B

26. A day is either gained or lost when one moves across longitude
A. 180°
B. 24°
E C. 15°
W D. 0°

27. The most cherished value expected of an adolescent in the Ghanaian society is
A. hospitality
B. patience
C. generosity
D. chastity

28. Which of the following cultural practices is a drawback to development in the Ghanaian society?
A. Celebration of festivals
B. Naming and outdooring ceremonies
C. Belief in the activities of demons
D. Performing puberty rites

29. The symbol on topographic maps represents
A. settlements
B. farmlands
C. marshy areas
D. areas liable to flood

30. On a relief map, the colour brown usually represents
A. plains
B. mountains
C. water bodies
D. lowlands


2023 BECE Social Studies Super Mock 1 Objective Test Questions With Answers

31. An extensive area of lowland is called a
A. ridge
B. valley
C. plain
D. plateau

32. Which of the following vegetation types is not found in Ghana?
A. Sahel woodland
B. Guinea savanna
C. Mangrove forest
D. Tropical rain forest

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33. The main type of vegetation found in the south-western part of Ghana is the
A. rain forest
B. coastal grassland
C. guinea savanna
D. mangrove forest

34. Lunar eclipse occurs when the
A. sun comes between the earth and the moon
B. moon comes between the sun and the earth
C. earth comes between the sun and the moon
D. earth rotates on its axis from West to East.

35. The type of rainfall formed by the meeting of two air masses of different temperatures is
A. relief
B. frontal
C. convectional
D. orographic

36. Which of the following continents is uninhabited?
A. Asia
B. Antarctica
C. Australia
D. Europe

37. One problem created in the rural areas as a result of rural-urban drift is
A. increase in streetism
B. creation of slums
C. environmental degradation
D. increased incidence of broken homes

38. Which of the following factors may cause rural-urban drift?
A. Better employment opportunities in the urban areas
B. Better health facilities in the rural areas
C. Even distribution of social amenities in the country
D. Absence of recreational facilities in the urban areas

39. Asante was colonized by the British through
A. agreement
B. force
C. persuasion
D. plebiscite

40. Right to life means
A. living forever
B. living without interference
C. acquiring wealth
D. sustaining the family line

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2023 BECE Social Studies Super Mock 1 Objective Test Questions With Answers


1. A
2. C
3. D
4. C
5. C
6. D
7. A
8. A
9. C
10. A
11. C
12. D
13. D
14. B
15. A
16. A
17. B
18. B
19. D
20. C
21. A
22. C
23. A
24. D
25. A
26. A
27. D
28. C
29. C
30. B
31. C
32. A
33. A
34. C
35. B
36. B
37. D
38. A
39. B